Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Language to Rule Them All

Every other year, some new technology will be heralded as the best thing since slice bread.

In the beginning, you have C and its object oriented derivative, C++.

Second, an event driven programming model called Visual Basic was made known to the world; along with it came the Visual suit for J++, Foxpro, and all that Visual stuff.

Next comes Java and its siblings, J2ME and J2EE. Birth of the MVC concept. You know, model, view, controller.

A little later C# and its parent .NET came out for basically everything Windows and web related. It also has all that Visual stuff. Again.

Soon after along rolls Ruby on Rails, which made web development fast and easy.

Now we have Silverlight 3, whatever the hell that is.

All of this, from Visual Basic down to Silverlight 3, have either been created by using C or its derivative C++. Wow. Of course before C was written in 1972, insane Borgs have been programming our PC using machine language called assembly. MOV AL #61h. MODE 13h. Shudders. I still have nightmares when I was learning to become a Borg for a semester.

Language extremist will say C/C++ is obsolete and useless. Well, you know that Virtual Machine that runs your software? It was written in C/C++. You know that favourite IDE you're using right now? It was written in C/C++. And the OS it's running on? C/C++. Guess what your favourite web browser is written in! And your favourite web application server!

C/C++. The One ring that rules them all. Learn it well.


  1. Agree, and pointers and recursion are the 2 most valuable concepts that will determine a good programmer. Mastering these 2 concepts will bring us to the height of Functional Programming.

  2. The sad thing is when you ask most programmers nowadays what are pointers and recursion, almost all of them answered I don't know.
