Tuesday, November 10, 2009

MySQL limitation...

Well I have been working on ChibiHeroes for a while and the database I'm using is MySQL. I've been abusing the poor little sucker is more likely hah hah hah. I've been doing stuff with it that people will shake their heads and cry if they knew about it.

One of the things that I found out was you cannot set the current date/time aka NOW() as a default for a datetime field! What the heck? Oracle can do it. I have been doing it in PostGres SQL Database for quite a while now. So why can't MySQL do it?

What kind of a limitation is that? So I went back to check their forums/listing/documentations and guess what they recommend. They advise their users to use the timestamp. Huh? What the hell? It is like telling a user to stop driving a Ferrari because the clutch is broken and start driving the Ford Ranger. Gimme a break man! Fix the damn clutch.. err I mean limitation now!

Come on you guys, stop being lazy! This ability has already been used in Oracle and PostGres way back during MySQL 3.51. Numerous updates and improvements later we're still stuck with this limitation?

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